star poems

pisces (february 19 – march 20)


a natural at the things you do,
your environment is important
you prefer to swim through life,
upstream, testing the currents
allow your heart to be your compass
and keep your eyes on the shore
create a sacred space in your home
for peace and relaxation
this will please your spiritual,
nurturing side and cleanse your mind

aries (march 21 – april 20)


a torchbearer, you light the way
for others with your generous nature
your strength brings you compassion
and you thrive on competition
through self-oriented goals
given the right direction, you might
soar high enough to achieve lofty aspiration
if you could just stop to take a breath:
pause, meditate and savor the moment
slowing down is your best bet for success!

taurus (april 20–may 20)


a jack of all trades, 
you work hard 
and relish your rewards
you are determined 
to live a life less ordinary,
surrounded by beauty
fickle or false things
will have you seeing red
cultivate your garden within
by seeking pleasure in simplicity

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